Apprentice Recruitment

Nurturing Apprentices, Shaping Futures

Apprentice Recruitment

At the NCA, we help our employers recruit motivated, high-quality candidates to fill their Apprenticeship vacancies for free!

Choose us and we will help you recruit an Apprentice by:


We will advertise your vacancy among our networks as well as create a vacancy on our website.


We will then screen and match you with the candidates that suit the needs of your job role and organisation and send their details directly to you.


We know that arranging interviews can be a hassle, especially for smaller businesses with limited resources, so we are prepared to take it on for you! Choose the candidates you would like to interview and we will arrange them for you.


Once you are pleased that you have found an appropriate candidate, we will handle the paperwork and enrol them onto their Apprenticeship once they begin their employment.

Keep up to date with us

Let us keep you updated with the latest Nishkam Apprenticeship news and exciting opportunities.

Working together to harness the infinite potential of individuals and organisations.

Visit Us

Nishkam Centre

6 Soho Rd, Handsworth

Birmingham B21 9BH

Contact us

+44 (0) 121 515 4229

Available Hours

M-F: 9am - 5pm

Sat: Closed

Sun: Closed